Friday, March 2, 2012


Thanks to all for coming out and making our inaugural Taste for Music event a great success!!
We dined and socialized and had a great time.  Members of the leadership team were our hosts and hostesses which made the event extra special. They did a terrific job greeting guests and making the event feel like a family outing. Thank you leadership team for your super support!!

…now the big news…Wendy’s will share $168 with the band for this event.  Not bad for just going out and having a burger!  …and you didn’t have to do the dishes!!!  THANK YOU WENDY!!!

One more funny (funny-ironic, not funny-haha) story:
When Mr. Snyder arrived a little later in the evening, I might have been the last adult at Wendy’s so I got stuck sitting with him. ;) We were chatting about the Canton, OH area since we are both from that area…talking about our respective high schools, football rivalries and which schools in the region were known for their marching bands. We continued to discover things that were familiar to both of us and where our paths may have crossed. Out of the blue he mentions that his optometrist’s last name was Mylius….just sort of wondering if I might have known him.  As a matter of fact, I DID know the man he was talking about because he was my father!  We were shocked by this discovery!  …it went on from there, his mom worked briefly with my mom, his dad worked with my uncle.  I won’t bore you with all of the details, but you just never know what you might discover by spending a few minutes talking with someone.

Discover YOUR 6-degress of separation from someone at our next Taste for Music event!